Wow, has it been busy this year! Even though my own flower beds are a mess, I still decided to sneak away for at least part of the weekend. Friday evening I decided to pack up some clothes, food, and the bikes and do a little camping at Gilbert Lake State Park.
I often think that I eat better food (and more of it) when I go camping. Blue cheese and coarse salt are my new best friends Good grief, if I ate like that every night what would happen. I did manage, between meals, to take an easy first trail ride of the season on the Deer Run trail. This trail would be good for beginners, I'm not much more advanced than that yet. Of course it's been dry here lately so no mud to push through.
Anyway, if your interested in trail riding and need a short trail for a little break or are just getting started this ones only about an hour. There are also some gravel trails to check out.